Product News

WENYAO’s Expertise in Soybean Sorting Technology

WENYAO has earned its reputation as a innovator in the agricultural sorting industry, specializing in advanced sorting technology. Their soybean color sorter and beans sorting machine solutions are designed to provide high precision, ensuring the sorting process is both efficient and effective. These machines help remove defective beans, foreign objects, and contaminants, significantly enhancing the quality of the sorted product.

Innovative Technology in Soybean Sorting

WENYAO’s soybean color sorter is equipped with advanced CCD camera systems and advanced image processing software that allows it to detect and separate beans based on color and size. This technology ensures that only the best-quality beans make it through, improving both the yield and consistency of products. The beans sorting machine by WENYAO guarantees optimal sorting, reducing waste and increasing operational efficiency.

Trusted by Global Industries

As one of top providers of sorting technology, WENYAO’s soybean color sorter has become essential for businesses in the global agricultural market. Their solutions are particularly well-regarded in industries where precision is crucial, including the sorting of beans and other agricultural products. By using these high-tech machines, companies can meet stringent quality standards while maintaining competitive advantages in a rapidly changing market.


WENYAO’s beans sorting machine and soybean color sorter are powerful tools that innovate the sorting process in the agricultural sector. These machines help ensure higher product quality and improve efficiency, making them a trusted choice for businesses worldwide. With WENYAO’s cutting-edge technology, companies can stay ahead of the competition and meet the demands of the global market.

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